We've all heard it before: Working out is beneficial for weight-loss, stress reduction, a healthy heart, and osteoporosis prevention (among other reasons). However, these reasons are often concerned with long-term results and/or benefits. If it's hard to imagine yourself in 40-60 years hunched over due to bone marrow loss, that's OK. Honestly, that's not why I workout either. Here are some unconventional reasons that are instantly gratifying:

You might meet someone cute (or friendly!). Gotta say it- there's usually a few attractive people at the gym, on the mountain, or in the yoga studio. Even if you don't meet them, you get to gaze at their gorgeous muscles.
2. Your favorite TV show. If you don't have cable (or even a TV), then the gym is the perfect place to catch your show. I like to watch The Bachelor on Monday night's at 7:00 pm while I run on the elliptical. Juicy gossip, check. Calorie burn, check.

Music. Whether your taking a Zumba class, or you bring your own, the music should be a motivating factor. If it's not, get some new tunes!

A nice tan. I'm not promoting skin cancer, but honestly, what better way to spend a sunny afternoon than doing something active outside?! Wear sunscreen to get a nice glow and avoid getting burned.

More food. Don't overdo this one, and don't binge on brownies, but when you add a regular fitness routine to your life, you will notice an increase in hunger. That's OK! Eat! I pack in about 2000 calories a day (sometimes more), and I love every bite. If you're a big eater like me, than enjoy the workout and the food that comes after.
6. One more for extra credit: your dog (or a dog). He needs a walk SO GET OFF THE COUCH. :)
Hope these get you moving!
LOVE IT!!!! Such good reasons to get up and be active! Keep it up :)