Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Week of Grad School- How to Stay Healthy

Hello! My name is Dana and this is my blog about staying healthy despite your circumstances in life. I just started a graduate program for a Master's of Arts in Teaching, elementary education, and I am already very busy. However, I am dedicated to staying healthy no matter what I am doing, where I am living, or how much money I am making. Making small changes now will forever change your life. Follow me as a provide you with tips (and recipes) on how to stay healthy, no matter what. Thanks!

Today: Tuesday, May 17th
Class from 8:15 to 3:00 pm.
Although I had class for almost 6 hours today, I still managed to find ways to eat well and stay fit. Here's how I did it:
1 slice of Jewish Rye Bread (Judi's Organic- $4.00 on sale at Costco) with
1/2 of an organic avocado and 1 laughing cow light creamy swiss cheese wedge.

Spread the avocado and the cheese wedge together on the slice of bread.
Even better option: buy sprouted wheat bread or gluten-free bread for reduced sugar and more stable blood sugar all morning. 

On top of the bread, avocado, and cheese, add one fried (in a teensy-tiney bit of olive oil) egg, sunny side down (don't cook for too long to make sure it's runny and delicious).

Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!!

This breakfast kept me going for 3 hours. After 3 hours I had a lara bar (coffee-choc) and a cutie tangerine.

I'm not going to write down every single thing that I ate today, but I will tell you that eating every 2-3 hours is the best way to keep your metabolism going strong, and to keep you from getting too hungry. I binge if I wait too long to eat, so I make a conscious effort every day to eat on a 2-3 hour schedule. You may have to plan for this- but it's as important as writing down assignments or going to work.

For dinner, I made a quinoa-spinach salad with sauteed mushrooms, cucumbers, and the rest of my avocado from the morning (with half saved for lunch tomorrow).

As I cook, I always prepare at least 2 servings. I immediately put the additional serving into a Tupperware for my lunch the following day. This saves me money by not having to purchase additional and often unhealthy lunch food (like sliced turkey from the deli). Plus, I am guaranteed to have a healthy and delicious lunch the following day.

To find/cook quinoa: Make sure you purchase it already rinsed, or else you will have an additional 12 hours of labor- not fun!
You can buy quinoa at most stores- I recommend local, organic health food stores that sell it in bulk. It is usually not more than $6.00 a pound, and it is a much better choice than pasta because it has a lot of protein.
Simply double the amount of water (i.e. 2 cups) to the amount of quinoa (i.e. 1 cup).
Mix together and bring to a boil. Once boiling, cover (you can use another pan if you don't have a lid for your pot- I don't!), and reduce the heat. Let the quinoa simmer for 15-20 mins or until it looks like it has soaked up all the water.

Add to anything! It is great mixed with steamed broccoli, chicken, greens, mushrooms like I did, cucumbers, etc.

Try quinoa and let me know what you think.

One more thing: It is super yummy topped with Annie's Organic Goddess Dressing. Delicioso!!

Thanks everyone and more tomorrow about fitness and health.

Preview for tomorrow: The benefits of Zumba.

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